Man Crush Saturday -Nickolay Lamm

I know what you are thinking -“Sam, this is not a Woman Crush for two reasons: 1) He is a HE and 2) It is not Wednesday.” Well, my friends, I cannot deny the day of the week but I do believe in what Nickolay Lamm is doing for this generation and it is too fantastic not to honor him. Plus, he is supporting feministas by giving young girls a realistic doll to look towards.

Don’t believe me? Check out what these kids have to say about the great Barbie verse Lammily debate…

Goodbye Barbie, Hello Lammily!

Many kids (and I say kids because dolls are not just a toy for girls) remember playing with the great Barbie doll: her flawless skin and slender body combined with perfectly arched feet and platinum blonde hair. Barbie always traveled in style with her convertible and lived in her amazing Dreamhouse with her equally stunning group of (somewhat diverse) friends.

As a little girl, I always thought that to be Barbie was all that I could yearn for, she became my idol and when I began the awkward stages every young person goes through, I did not fully understand why my skin was bumpy and freckled, my body was taking a different shape, and why my feet were better fit in Converse than arched into heels.


(Courtesy of

Admittedly, Barbie has made strides in her career and friend group, but those descriptions above detail the unhealthy body image that Barbies’ have pretty much forced upon many past and current generations and has left many girls wondering why they do not look like Barbie when being a kid all about the bumps, bruises and the belief that boys still have cooties.

Pop culture has made many strides in so many areas, and one of those areas includes a much needed make over to good ‘ol Barbara.

Goodbye Barbie, and hello Lammily!

Nickolay Lamm is the creator behind the new Barbie who is smugly dubbed Lammily. This doll resembles and has the proportions of the average 19 year old female. The result is quite startling when you place the two side by side…

barbie v lammily

(Courtesy of -Nickolay Lamm)

The doll on the right is one of the most realistic depictions of young woman I have seen thus far without ruining the appeal and desire that dolls grant young girls, Lammily also gives them a realistic goal to strive for.

Lammily, does not only just stand around in bathing suits, she also plays sports and has different outfit changes that do not equate to breaking the fictional bank -another refresher for young girls as many will not be wearing the latest styles right off the runway.

Recently, Lamm has decided to add another feature to the well-praised Lammily. Lammily Marks” -various stickers and “stick ons” for Lammily fans to attach to their doll. These adhesive features include stretch marks, pimples, tattoos, bruises, scratches, moles and many more.

Lammily 2

(Courtesy of -Nickolay Lamm)

Finally, a doll who shares the kiss of a birthmark, the sprinkling of freckles and the desire to not wear pink clothes with high heels every day. I do believe Lammily has the ability to become the new Barbie and finally give kids a realistic view of the female body.

Sorry Ken, looks like you and Barbie will have to move out of the Dreamhouse spotlight, and allow Lammily to take her well deserved spot at the top.