Nerd-ing out: Not just a game for the boys.

I am the first to admit that I am a total dork, and I mean that in the most endearing term…geek and nerd are not negative attributes at least in my book. It is one of the best things to be, so why are the boys the only ones who get to have any fun? Girls can be geeky to, and I am not just talking about the “sexy nerd” for Halloween and costume parties, those who wears close to nothing with big glasses and suspenders. I am talking about those girls who are interested in comic books, video games, Fantasy literature, and who have seen every Marvel Comic movie ever created. (LIKE ME!)

It is time for the video game industry to start acknowledging the effects their violent and often misogynistic video games have on society -mainly the youth, our future of tomorrow. We do not want our next leaders to grow up in such a negative and sexualized culture.

The plethora of a realistic war video games combined with games such as Grand Theft Auto 5 are promoting violence, and even worse the abuse of women. So, you can imagine my joy when I discovered that a Target retailer in Australia removed Grand Theft Auto from their shelves. That’s not enough because the game still thrives.

“Although Grand Theft Auto V has received criticism for allowing players to assault, kill, and maim women within its game world, it has also received critical acclaim, won awards, and set a record by earning $1 billion in just three days.”

A game that deliberately sets out to destroy the image of females and openly support misogyny? Hold on, something is not right here….



(Courtesy of from


Video games are not the only form of entertainment that is claimed to be “boys only.” The world of comic books and superheroes have also been deemed a “no girls allowed world” UNLESS you are the damsel in distress or if you play the wife role. I am not bashing MJ (Spiderman) or Pepper (Iron Man) because they both have great attributes as side roles, but it would be refreshing to see more leading ladies in the comic book world. 

However, superheroes are not just men, the ladies are taking the world by Storm (X-Men reference) and not just as sidekicks and wives. We have seen multiple versions of Cat Women, quite a few leading females from X-Men (Mystic is my personal favorite) and the latest (at least to my knowledge) Spider-Woman.


(Courtesy of The comic cover that was condemned after an uproar about the erotic design of the new comic.


The evolution of comic books to include such a wide variety of super heroines is great! Except when you take into consideration the costumes these heroines are squeezed in to. It is understandable that certain heroes require certain appendages and flexibility based on gender. However, that does not give a reason for why super heroines are emphasized in the breast and bottom area  in leather suits with flowing hair while the heroes are usually just placed in comfortable tightness of “super clothes” without highly sexualizing them.

I am still hopeful that we can achieve complete absence of any sexualization and objectification of women, someday we will.



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